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2023년 우수연구실적 참여대학원생 시상식
2023년 우수연구실적 참여대학원생 시상식
Date 2023/09/04 16:27 Count 455




[실적산정기간 : 2022.09.-2023.08]

 Q1 논문을 투고하여 게재한 상위 6인의 BK 참여대학원생 우수연구실적 참여대학원생으로 선정함. 




‘Tasnim Izzeldin Eisa’Critical Review on the Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Highly Efficient Metal Chalcogenide Catalysts for Fuel Cells - 지도교수 : 채규정 교수님



‘Jia Ru’ Exploration of deep learning models for real-time monitoring of state and performance of anaerobic digestion with online sensors - 지도교수 : 송영채 교수님



김화정Characterization of the deposit-foaming of pure aluminum and Al-Mg-0.7Si alloys using directed energy deposition based on their metallurgical characteristics and compressive behaviors - 지도교수 : 심도식 교수님



김현수Insight into the marine microplastic abundance and distribution in ship cooling systems - 지도교수 : 유근제 교수님


김세훈Nanosized vaterite production through organic-solvent-free indirect carbonation - 지도교수 : 김명진 교수님



이미주Mechanical characterization of recycled-PET fiber reinforced mortar composites treated with nano-SiO2 and mixed with seawater ? 지도교수 : 이재하 교수님





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